what day is this 2

2008-05-12 | #Family #Owen

The past few weeks have been pretty busy, Owen is still in the hospital (and we expect him to stay there another two weeks) and his collapsed lung has healed up. Now they doctors are getting him off the pain medication (down to morphine now), helping him feed on his own, and get his bilirubin resolved. We’ve been going to see him everyday, and we were finally able to hold him last week.

no title

2008-04-28 | #Family #Owen

My little boy was born ( 04/22/2008 @ 10:25am ), at a nice healthy weight of 7lbs and 13oz with a height of 20" ( all in all, almost exactly what Caralyne was, she was 21.25") We don’t have him home yet, and I’m sure I’ve keep almost everyone up to day, but he has a collapsed lung, or pneumothorax. This happens a lot, but most of the time it’s a tiny hole and the body just absorbs the escaping air and the lung heals within a day or so.

wushu west 2008 04 06

2008-04-11 | #Wushu

After CMAT I had felt a little extra bit of motivation, it has dawned on me that this past year I had really digressed in wushu. There has been little focus for me, and work has been more and more demanding so I recognize that as an issue. Mostly though, the majority of ‘coaching’ I have received has been about the website and computer work. What I really need to do is to be less passive about what I want and be a little more persistent.

wushu west week of 04062008

2008-04-11 | #Wushu

After CMAT I had felt a little extra bit of motivation, it has dawned on me that this past year I had really digressed in wushu. There has been little focus for me, and work has been more and more demanding so I recognize that as an issue. Mostly though, the majority of ‘coaching’ I have received has been about the website and computer work. What I really need to do is to be less passive about what I want and be a little more persistent.

wushu west 2008 04 03

2008-04-04 | #Wushu

Class has been a little laid back for me, which is alright, I haven’t been working as hard as everyone else so it’s not like I can even bust out a section of a form right now. It is a little hard to go to class when everyone is so fired up and is at their peak. Patti is still giving me new moves here and there for the broadsword form, and James said she really wants to give us (those of us who are just learning dao) a really good old school wushu dao form, which is every cool for me.

wushu west 2008 03 18

2008-03-20 | #Wushu

Good class tonight. I did manage to injure my calf when we did our round of sprints, oh but first I just wanted to say how cool it was to get a nice warm welcome from everyone :) I barely made it all the way through the door and I see Shahaub, James, Pierre, Lynda… pretty much the whole gang, and in unison (almost, its more dramatic if it seems they really were in unison) exclaim “HEY!

wushu west 2008 02 26

2008-02-27 | #Wushu

Just a warning, I haven’t been receiving the comments people leave on AnD. So sorry if it seems like I was ignoring everyone :) Since most people are getting ready of either collegiate’s or CMAT, class for Isao, John, and myself worked out a little different. We had a good warmup. I think it is more exhausting when we not only jog around class, but include all sorts of different movements.

wushu stuff

2008-02-14 | #Wushu

Alright, so since the last update we started ramping up for the three performances. I was only able to make it to one of them, and I’ll be putting what we have on the site soon, and I’ll also post a video on youtube. Classes have been going over really well, we’ve kept up the jogging and circuit training as part of the warm-up. My calves right now are killing me from Tuesdays class :) I’ve also been better about lifting weights at home again.

wushu west 2008 01 29 2

2008-01-30 | #Wushu

I had to drag myself in to class last night. I was exhausted from work, recovering from a cold, and I was in a sour mood from work itself. It’s a scary thought, but I may end up being a dinosaur at my current work. There is a large push to “one platform”, and while that USUALLY means the desktop it can easily leak to the server room. Anyway, things are crappy right now.

sanjuro and yojimbo

2008-01-28 | #Movies

I have a negative bias against old movies. Mostly black and white movies. It is really weird, because not only am I pretty snooty with the films I watch (see that, I called them “films”, which makes my movie viewing experience that much better than yours!), so you would think I’d go on and on about how great citizen kane is compared to the common swill people watch these days.