alaskan vacation part one day one eugene oregon

2009-05-21 | #Family

We are driving up to Seattle to catch our cruise ship. Our “Vay-Kay”, as my sister Jessica was trying to get Caralyne to say. We’ll be on a 7 day cruise up the coast of Alaska, and the first part of that is driving from Antioch to Seattle. It should be really nice. I’m also going with 12 or so of my In Laws. This, like any good HP Lovecraft journal, will document my path to insanity.

wushu west 2009 05 14

2009-05-14 | #Ba ji Quan #James #weights #Wushu

Wow, what an awesome class! It was nice and warm tonight, so it was really easy to get warmed up and stretch well. That was a bonus though, there were a few really killer parts to tonights class: We had some nice and quick basics Jumps! which I have not done in a while James taught me part of the Baji set he learned I had to change my shirt twice, and that means I got a good workout :)

yosemite trip

2009-05-03 | #Family #yosemite

Hmm, what does this remind me of? todo Ah ha, thats it! todo I grew up on Sierra adventure games, this was the highlight of my trip :) A few weeks ago the four of us went with my In-Laws and Butch, a friend of the family’s, to a place outside of Yosemite. It was a RV kind of campground, and they even had cabins you could rent out. Yeah, camping is really tough these days :) With two kids, we opted for a small little cabin, and it was nice even though I had a cold and a sore throat.

dirty rotten scoundrels

2009-04-26 | #Jenny #Movies

Freddy, what I am saying is: know your limitations. You are a moron. todo I had never seen this movie, I mean, I think I saw the ending of it a long time ago when it first came out on VHS, but I didn’t know what it was about. Over the past few years, Jenny has asked me maybe a half dozen times if I had ever seen it, and after the last few times she finally brought it in for me to watch :)

using amazon s3 for backups

2009-04-25 | #Backups #FreeBSD #Geekyness #MySQL #PostgreSQL #S3

I don’t have a backup system for home (which is where this site, and others are located), and I have generally relied on duplicating enough of my important stuff between friends and other computers. That, and I have a RAID5 setup for my large storage, and then home directories and website stuff is on a RAID1 ZFS volume. This doesn’t prevent accidental “oh-no"s, but it does protect me from some hardware failures.

samba 3028a vs 333 on freebsd 71

2009-04-19 | #Benchmarking #FreeBSD #Geekyness #Samba

!!! UPDATE on 12/29/2009!!! Since this blog post seems to get a good amount or hits from google, if you are reading this, please see my updated post: which has some additional information about FreeBSD 8.0 EOF Lately at work, I’ve been involved with a very large file system that is being export from Solaris 10/ZFS to windows and OS X users via Samba. Even with a very large Sun server (T5220) a lot of users are complaining about the slow performance of the system.

wushu west 2009 04 14

2009-04-18 | #Wushu

Tonight was Mark’s last class before he leaves for Idaho for a month. Last week, he joked that he wanted everyone to still be recovering when he gets back in June… He tried his best to make that happen, and I think Patti bailed us out in the end :) We got some time to warm up for a few minutes, I think he wanted us ready by 7:20, so we jogged around for a bit and did some light stretching.


2009-04-13 | #Easter #Family #Owen #Owen

Sunday we celebrated Easter, as well as Owens 1st birthday (its really April 22nd, but we took advantage of having most of the family in one place), at my parents place in Knightsen. Here is a link to the gallery on my other site, I also took some pictures of my parents house in the making. It is starting to shape up nicely, my step dad is a pretty talented carpenter.

cmat 17

2009-04-12 | #CMAT #Collin #mark #Pierre #Shahuab #Wushu

Saturday was the 17th annual Cal Martial Arts Tournament, at Cal Berkeley. For the 4rd year in a row I went, and as the last three years I was solely a spectator. I took some footage, and snapped a few pictures, but I wasn’t into staying from 8am till 11pm running around to each ring trying to film everyone. My experience with that last year solidified the idea that no matter what, someone (usually more than one too) will be unhappy with what you’ve worked hard to do, and I wasn’t interested in repeating that thankless job.

ip man movie day with wushu geeks

2009-04-05 | #Home Theater #mark #Movies #Shahuab #Wushu

It’s long overdue, but Mark, Shahaub and I finally got together for a movie. All three of us are movie geeks. Mark was part of the industry with Jet Li and Rotten Tomatoes, Shahaub is in film school right now (and posted a few demo reels, like this one, on, and I like to watch them and then write about what I watch. Our conversations immediately started off with George Lucas movies, Arrested Development, and then oddly to my fear of Bees and Black Widows.