This site is just that, a simple website. There are no ads, trackers, or logs. I use a static site generator (hugo), that is deployed to an AWS S3 bucket, which distributes to CloudFront. There are no comments on this site, as again, that would track people.
I am selling absolutely nothing and that should be refreshing post Web 2.0
The title, My Wushu Blog, comes from one of my past hobbies. I had been doing Wushu (Chinese martial arts) for a few years, and like my friend Mark, I liked to blog about my experiences.
That is now a long time ago. Now, I mostly blog about:
- My house, that is constantly fighting nature and entropy
- Cool technology that I get to implement
Professionally I work with computers, and that seems to work out just fine since I get to do my hobby for a living.
My LinkedIn profile is up to date, as of right now I work for Blizzard Entertainment. Please do not contact me about work opportunities.
I can be reached at m87carlson@gmail.com for any other inquiries.