

It took over a week of pdfcrack running on my desktop, and it finally found the 6 character password that was set on a PDF

Before we changed from Kaiser to Blue Shield, I had Owen’s medical record produced for us. It was not cheap either, and it came with a password set on the PDF.

Well, I had saved the PDF to my google drive, but, I apparently did not unset the password. I had long since forgotten what it was, and I thought it would be fun to give pdfcrack a try.

pdfcrack ~/Downloads/Owen_Medical_History.pdf
Average Speed: 53902.0 w/s. Current Word: 'ZPkm08'
Average Speed: 53855.3 w/s. Current Word: 'F2Qq08'
Average Speed: 53837.7 w/s. Current Word: 'E9mv08'
Average Speed: 53776.1 w/s. Current Word: 'LWSz08'
Average Speed: 53987.2 w/s. Current Word: 'YPpE08'
Average Speed: 53841.8 w/s. Current Word: 'hYVI08'
Average Speed: 54076.1 w/s. Current Word: 'aktN08'
Average Speed: 53860.5 w/s. Current Word: 'wyZR08'
Average Speed: 54039.2 w/s. Current Word: 'wIwW08'
Average Speed: 53918.6 w/s. Current Word: 'Bf3008'
found user-password: 'XXXXXX'

So there you have it, my little desktop at work:

Generated by SysInfo v1.0.1 by Daniel Gerzo

CPU information

Machine class:	amd64
CPU Model:	Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
No. of Cores:	8
Cores per CPU:	

CPU usage statistics:
CPU:  0.2% user,  0.4% nice,  0.1% system,  0.0% interrupt, 99.2% idle

RAM information

Memory information from dmidecode(8)
Maximum Capacity: 32 GB
Number Of Devices: 4

INFO: Run `dmidecode -t memory` to see further information.

System memory summary
Total real memory available:	16326 MB
Logically used memory:		6465 MB
Logically available memory:	9860 MB

Swap information
Device          512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/label/swap0.eli    4095992     663M     1.3G    33%