ftp stuff
After looking at yesterdays transfer logs on the Colo FTP server, I decided to grok the fields in the xferlog and put them to use.
The ftp transfer log is in /var/log/xferlog. It it rotated daily, and compressed with bz. I’m using yesterdays log, so I have to look at xferlog.0.bz, and use bzgrep to find all of the “Jan 16” transfers. After today, we can reliably use bzcat.
Here is a snippet:
Wed Jan 16 23:57:23 2013 19 12627038 /path/to/ftp/root/order_XXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_NNNNN b _ i r user ftp 0 * c
- current-time
- transfer-time
- remote-host
- file-size
- filename
- transfer-type
- a - Ascii
- b - Binary
- special-action-flag
- C - Compressed
- U - Uncompressed
- T - Tar’d
- _ - No Action
- direction
- i - Incoming
- o - Outgoing
- access-mode
- a - Anonymous
- r - Real User
- username
- service-name (ftp)
- authenticated user id
- completion-status
- c - Completed
- i - Incompleted
With all of that, we can obtain a lot of information about a days worth of transfers.
Looking at the example above, we know the following:
- Time: Wed Jan 16 23:57:23 2013 19
- Remote host (the proxy is getting in the way, I’ll see if I can get the re-written):
- File Size: 12627038
- Filename: /path/to/ftp/root/order_XXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_NNNNN
- Binary Transfer: b
- No Special Actions: _
- Incoming file: i
- Real user: r
- Login Name: user
- Service: ftp 0
- Authenticated ID not available (LDAP settings)
- Completed transfer: c
Using Awk, I was quickly able to add up the total file size for yesterday (since 10:16am when we flipped over):
bzgrep Jan\ 16 /var/log/xferlog.0.bz| awk '{ sum += $8; count++ } END {print (sum/1024/1024/1024),count}'
Our Total was:
- 46.2587GB
- Number of transfers: 907
The number of incomplete transfers:
bzgrep "Jan 16" /var/log/xferlog.0.bz | \
awk '{ \
if ($NF == "c" ? complete++ : incomplete++) \
} END { \
print "Complete: " complete "\n" "Incomplete: " incomplete \
Completed vs Incomplete upload:
- Complete: 864
- Incomplete: 43
I can now revise the first sum of transferred orders to drop incomplete orders:
bzgrep Jan\ 16 /var/log/xferlog.0.bz | awk '{ if ($NF == "c") { sum += $8; count++} } END {print (sum/1024/1024/1024),count}'
- Total data transferred: 41.0385
- Number of Completed transfers: 864