my audience
I like the check out Google analytics to see how this website is “useful” to the internet. Let me tell you, the internet is not at all interested in how your wonderful author, Mike Carlson, is doing. The internet is interested in how FreeBSD is doing:
What is even more interesting is that most of my visits come from other countries:
Check that out, folks in Barcelona and Moscow check out this site more than my Dad does in Lodi ( come on Dad, I thought you were a fan?). Antioch doesn’t count, that is just me updating and re-reading my own posts (does that make me vain?).
When I started digging into the referrals, I saw that my Samba and FreeBSD posts were linked in a few forum discussions on a Russian Samba site, a Swedish PC site and It is nice to know that other people find this information useful, so I’m going to continue writing up my fun tech experiences and put more effort into those posts.