alaskan vacation part 2 the cruise day 89 tracy arm fjord
I felt cheated today, I had to rush out of the room at 8am to see the iceberg that we were scheduled to see at 11am. I have had to wake up at 7 or so everyday, and the night before I was adamant (with myself anyway, I didn’t express this to anyone else) that I was going to sleep in, this is after all a vacation. Captain Rick had a different plan, and announced on the PA system at 8 that we were about to depart from the iceberg and head to Victora, BC, after another two days at sea.
The cruise does get a tad repetitive, and I’m pretty much sick of eating. Thats all we can really do while at sea, is eat and exercise. I think the former is overpowering the latter though. I’ve kept up the cardio and weights here, but they serve a lot of food here, and the soft-serve ice cream is a siren calling me (that is the one food item on the ship I LOVE, I would marry it). I’ve decided to stop the three meals a day, but one and a half or so, the food is too rich and most of it isn’t all that good anyway. Yeah, I miss my raw trail mix and pink lady apples.
We had another formal night, and it was also my birthday. I’m not a fan of people (especially in restaurants) singing Happy Birthday, so I tried my best to ask them not to do it. However, I did get a double serving of cheesecake, and it was good. Still, I was displeased with the public spectacle.

Me placating the crew

Sweet, signed by Alton Brown! A very informative book.