iron man


Michele and I don’t get to the movies all that much, and when we do it’s not like we decide on a movie and then find a babysitter, a babysitter presents themselves and we panic for a while trying to figure out what to do with our precious spare time. This is where I can always catch Michele at a disadvantage. I tend to know whats in theaters at the moment and what I would probably like to see. I like to think I’ve warn Michele’s will down over the years, and she’s usually fine with whatever we see as long as it doesn’t have gratuitous sex and subtitles.

This time I suggested we see Iron Man, and I was a little ansy through the movie because I was really enjoying it but I couldn’t read Michele’s reaction. She enjoyed it a lot, and was happy with our evening of a dinner and a movie. Whew, glad I didn’t pick a dud.

Okay, so thats the background, now the movie. Iron Man wasn’t my choice superhero as a kid. He never seem all that exciting to me, just a rich guy with a metal suit. He didn’t have claws, spin webs, turn invisible, move things with his mind, etc… I was a kid though, with superficial opinions about what makes a cool good guy or bad guy. I’m still superficial like that, but I do appreciate a protagonist that isn’t as one dimensional as Wolverine.

It was a cool movie, well paced. I’ve had this entry as a draft for a month. I’m not going to wrap this up nicely, I’m ending it right here.